Sophie pratique le shiatsu depuis 16 ans maintenant.
Elle continue à pratiquer le shiatsu dans son espace bien-être, ici à Boulaur, 6 à 8 mois par an. Mais y inclus aussi désormais des massages ayurvédiques, le nursing Touch, Acces Bars et des conseils en Micro-nutrition. Des conseils de santé, des "trucs" tirés des ses différentes expériences dans tous ces domaines et dont elle se sert pour continuer à améliorer sa santé au quotidien et la votre.
La santé est un joyau qu'il faut entretenir quotidiennement et son souhait ici est de vous faire partager tout ce que la vie lui a apportée.
Tous ces soins, ces gestes que vous pouvez faire vous même sur vos enfants, votre conjoint, sur vos parents ou amis. Toutes ces routines quotidiennes qui permettent d'entretenir santé et vitalité
même quand l'age avance ou que la maladie vous accompagne. Elle voyage de plus en plus pour transmettre ses soins et le concept des 5 piliers de santé cellulaire à travers le monde.
Elle a aussi suivi une formation de Psychologie chinoise "Les 5 Eléments d'un art de vivre" avec Isabelle Laading. Les 5 mouvements énergétiques qui sont le Bois, le Feu, la Terre, le Métal et l'Eau composent les rythmes et les cycles de la nature, mais nous animent également. Sentir et comprendre ces dynamismes nous aide à comprendre de quelle manière les émotions perturbatrices, colère, peur, tristesse et autres, peuvent être régulées et transformées en énergies créatrices. C'est un outil formidable pour comprendre nos périodes de stress, nos problèmes relationnels avec nos proches et nous apprendre à utilliser des outils fiables pour en atténuer les effets. Nous avons 9 profils énergétiques différents qui nous font réagir d'une certaine façon aux choses de la vie. Les connaitre, en parler en couple ou en famille... c'est déjà résoudre bien des problèmes. Les utiliser dans le travail permet aussi d'applanir bien des soucis et de mieux réussir.
Sophie, 55, Shiatsu I practice for 11 years now.
Passionate about horses since the age of 11, close to nature, animals generally attentive to their daily health, their emotional state, behavior, I always took care of them. I followed studied biology and ecology. Then I specialized in studying the behavior of ants for 3 years.
I then worked for a pharmaceutical company commercializing solutes infusion and parenteral nutrition in hospitals and clinics southwest. Trace elements and electrolytes have no secrets for me.
After the birth of my daughter in 1994, I changed my lab to work with a specialist equipment urinary surgery and ambulatory.
In 1998, we discover that I have breast cancer and my life changed. I have to take care of me. My health and deplorable and I sink into a deep depression after the death of my father, also a cancer in 2001. Fired, agricultural training, life changing.
In 2004 I started my shiatsu training on horses with Liz Eddy and Christelle Pernod for 3 years. Then I 'thorough practice of human shiatsu with Isabelle Laading for 3 more years.
In 2006, my mother also died of cancer and I'm increasingly ill.
In 2008, I was teaching on the Korean relaxation with Isabelle Laading.
My health problems made me wonder about alternative medicines and follow shamanic care in Mongolia with my daughter in 2008. I then followed shamanic teachings for 2 years with Tall Shaaler and other shamans. I started yoga at the Gayatri school in Auch with Chandra Nobeen. Yoga literally changed my life. Slowly but surely, I rebuilt my life.
In 2012, I discovered Ayurveda during a trip to India with Chandra and I began receiving ayurvedic massages at Heal Ayurvedic Center in Kerala. My health has improved significantly in 15 days of care only. I go slowly my depression.
In 2014, India in Goa, I get my first panchakarma, which is a course of detoxification including massages, personalized diet, taken potions and often fresh ayurvedic medicines. I am a training course in massage Abyanga in Auroville with Biopulse. My health has improved significantly.
Since then, I come every year receive a panchakarma by Manu Sankar and this year I trained at Heal Ayurvedic Center in order to give back a panchakarma my patients.
I continue to practice shiatsu in my wellness center here in Boulaur. But I also now included Ayurvedic massages. Health Boards, "tricks" learned from my experiences in these areas and I use to continue to improve my health every day.
Health is a jewel which must be maintained daily and my wish is here to share with you all that life brought me. All this care, these gestures you can make yourself or your children or your spouse, your parents or friends.
I also learned astrology 5 elements Isabelle Laading. This is a great tool for understanding our relationship problems with our loved ones. We have 9 different energy profiles that make us react in a certain way the things of life. Know them, talk with your partner or family ... it's already solve many problems.